terça-feira, 11 de maio de 2010

Dia 7 - Planicie Alentejana

Ligando Évora a Albernoa, esta etapa decorria toda no cerne da planicie alentejana. Com 107km e o menor desnivel acumulado de subidas de todo o evento a coisa prometia.

Desde logo o arranque ás 11h permitiu que dormisse um pouco mais e tomasse um grande pequeno-almoço para me preparar para a rápida etapa. E que rápida foi. Com muitas rectas, poucas subidas e vento a favor várias vezes, muitas vezes me vi a rolar perto dos 30km/h. Os primeiros a chegar fizeram uma média acima dos 29km/h e eu, com o último classificado do dia, acima dos 19km/h, em 107km...

Chegamos perto das 17h, pelo que consegui um bom descanso. Próxima etapa, a entrada no Algarve, e pelo que me lembro, tem umas deliciosas subidas...

From Évora to Albernoa, this stage would go through the heart of the Alentejo plains. 107km with the lowest accumulated climbs of all the race. It was promising...

On this day we had the latest start, at 11h. That allowed for a bit more sleep, so that we could be ready for a fast stage. To me it didn’t really meant more sleep, but more time to digest breakfast, so I really enjoyed a big breakfast.

The stage itself was wicked fast. All that the previous day had of rocks, mud and sand, we had today of road, wide doubletracks and tail wind. Several times I found myself over 30km/h. The fastest guys did over 29km/h average speed and myself and the slowest guy of the day above 19km/h, on 107km...

We got to the finish line at 17h, 1hour before the closing of it. That gave plenty of time to rest and get things sorted, unlike the day before. The next stage would get us into the Algarve, with some very good climbs....

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