domingo, 20 de dezembro de 2009



Hoje (domingo 20 de Dezembro) fui ver a minha primeira prova de Ciclocross (CX).

A prova era a ronda 11 da Liga de Londres, no velódromo de Herne Hill. As festividades começariam cerca das 10h e a prova rainha pelas 13h.

Saí de casa cerca das 11h com toda a roupa que podia 4 camadas no tronco e as minhas quentissimas (para Portugal) calças de wind-stopper. Acabei por tirar a camada exterior na ida voltei a vesti-la assim que lá cheguei. Por aqui as tempeturas não têm passado muito dos 0ºC. De caminho ainda uns bons nacos de gelo na estrada para me assustar, mas nenhum encontro imediato com o chão.

O ambiente pareceu-me bom, descontraido com pouca gente, a lembrar os velhos tempos do XC português. As categorias mais novas correram primeiro e perto das 13h as mais importantes, com bastante gente a participar, a olhómetro eram uns 60. E aí havia de tudo, verdadeiros competidores, gente que só ia para se divertir... As biclas também eram variadas, BTT novas e velhas, FS e HT, 26" e 29", mas 3/4 das montadas eram máquinas da especialidade.

Como os meus pés estavam a gelar, a temperatura a baixar e o sol quase a por-se (eram 14h) voltei para casa mais as minhas 4 camadas no tronco mas tendo de adicionar segunda camada nas pernas e as capas dos sapatos. Parti antes de acabar a prova, mas deixo mais algumas fotos e videos para apreciarem.

Acho que qualquer dia experimento, só pra diversão.

Today (sunday 20th of December) I watched my first ciclocross (CX) race.

It was the 11th round of the London League, at Herne Hill velodrome. It started at 10am, but the main event was only at 1pm.

Left home around 11am with all I could wear, 4 layers on the upper body and my super warm (for Portugal) wind-stopping tights. Eventually had to get rid of the outer layer but had to put it back on as soon as I arrived. Temperatures have hardly been higher than freezing. Had some skating rinks on the way (plenty of ice on the roads) but managed to stay upright.

It seemed to have a good atmosphere, relaxed feel as the old days of portuguese XC. The youngest cats started early and at 1pm the main event with a few participant, I would say around 60. There were all sorts of people, real racers to people just having fun and ride, MTB of 26" and 29", old and new, FS or HT, but the bulk were real CX bikes.

As my feet felt like they were nearly falling of, the temperature going down and the day almost over (2pm) I headed back home with my 4 layers but now had to add a 2nd layer on my legs and the shoe covers. The event wasn't over, but here's some of my pictures of it.

I'm thinking of trying ot some day, just for kicks.






(pois é, eles podem trocar de rodas e biclas à vontade...)
(yup, they can swap wheels and bikes as they wish...)

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